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3 new reports from VICS endometrial cancer care consultation

The VICS Optimal Care Summits program has released 3 new reports from our first consultation on endometrial cancer care in Victoria.

Our rapid literature review on patient experiences explored and synthesised existing evidence on the experiences of endometrial cancer patients across Australia. We found a significant lack of studies on patient experiences in endometrial cancer care – particularly for prevention and early detection, presentation, initial investigations and referral, diagnosis, staging and treatment planning. Only limited literature was available on treatment, care after treatment and recovery, and recurrent and metastatic disease management.

Read the patient experience literature review (PDF)

We collected new data on the experience and perspectives of people affected by endometrial cancer in Victoria, through an online survey and 8 focus groups with patients and carers. The results highlighted numerous care gaps – particularly in timely diagnosis and treatment, lack of supportive care referrals, and communication.

Read the patient experience data report (PDF)

The third new report details how the VICS Optimal Care Summits team, working with an advisory group of experts from across Victoria and the Victorian Department of Health’s Analysis of Linked Information in Cancer (ALIC) data unit, identified and prioritised ‘unwarranted variations’ in endometrial cancer care in Victoria.

Read the prioritisation of unwarranted variations report (PDF)