Geelong Wellbeing Day for Women with Cancer
Geelong Wellbeing Day – 5th September 2024
Geelong’s Wellbeing Day was held last Thursday 5th September with BSWRICS & Counterpart partnering with Geelong Swim Sport & Leisure. It was an great day with over 40 women in attendance held at the very new Norlane Aquatic Recreation Centre (ARC).
The activities were engaging, fun and informative including a creative activity led by local artist Trish Woodward, exercise and cancer info session presented by local Physiotherapists Sarah Huntly and a gentle chair based Yoga guided by Monica from Yoga 4 Living.
The energy in the room was friendly and positive, with lots of women making connections with each other. It was so wonderful to see so many people showing their support at the event, including the State Member for Geelong, Christine Couzens MP and the CEO of Women’s Health Victoria, Sally Hasler. The Geelong event was the biggest event yet that Counterpart has held which is a testament to the great collaboration between BSWRICS & Counterpart.