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McGrath Foundation all-cancer nurse service

An all-cancer nurse service of 100 full-time equivalent positions (FTE) nationally will be delivered by The McGrath Foundation over the next 3 years.

This is part of the recently announced Australian Cancer Nurse and Navigation Program (ACNNP), funded by the Australian Government to improve equitable access to high quality, culturally safe nursing and navigation services by patients – irrespective of their type of cancer or where they live.

The McGrath Foundation has begun consulting with health services and other stakeholders to develop a McGrath Model of Care for all cancer and other key projects that will underpin rollout of these positions.

Position placement will take a staged approach: The Foundation has initially invited a small number of health services across the country to complete Expressions of interest (EOIs), to inform the first FTE placed later this year. They will invite further health services to complete EOIs in the coming 6–12 months. However, not every health service will have the opportunity to apply for, or receive, FTE in this initiative.

Invitations to Victorian health services have included – and will continue to include – the Foundation encouraging those services to discuss their EOIs with their local Integrated Cancer Service (ICS).

In line with the ACCNP, the Foundation will focus on supporting priority populations and equity across states, territories, regional and remote locations. Importantly, they are encouraging a ‘district-wide or regional lens’ when completing EOIs.

If you have any questions, please contact Genevieve Antill at genevieve@mcgrathfoundation.com.au.