NEMICS member services

NEMICS is a partnership of 4 public health services, joined by a memorandum of understanding.
These member health organisations provide governance for the partnership:
Other providers
Private hospitals are an important part of the cancer care system: Across Victoria as many as 50% of cancer patients receive care in a private hospital. 10% of patients receive care in both public and private health services in a single year.
The private hospitals providing care to residents of the NEMICS region are:
- Epworth Eastern Hospital (Epworth Healthcare)
- John Fawkner Private Hospital (Healthscope)
- Knox Private Hospital (Healthscope)
- Mitcham Private Hospital (Ramsay Health)
- Ringwood Private Hospital (Healthscope)
- Warringal Private Hospital (Ramsay Health)
NEMICS is also building relationships with other providers of cancer care. These organisations include Primary Health Networks, Palliative Care Consortia, Primary Care Partnerships, research institutions and private providers of specialist care, such as radiotherapy.
Governance committee
The NEMICS Governance Committee provides leadership, vision, and overall accountability for NEMICS. Its key role is to drive progress in the local region towards the VICS vision of improving patient experience and outcomes by connecting cancer care, promoting collaboration, and driving best practice.
The NEMICS Governance Committee comprises:
- NEMICS Chair – CEO Austin Health
- health service CEOs
- consumer representatives
- senior clinical and management representatives from participating health services.