Consumers and LMICS working together

Learn how LMICS includes the voices of people affected by cancer in service design and improvements.
Loddon Mallee Integrated Cancer Service (LMICS) logo

LMICS is committed to partnering with people with a lived experience of cancer to help improve cancer services and experiences for others.

Consumer engagement is crucial to ensure that people affected by cancer receive the best possible care and support, tailored to their needs and preferences, in a culturally safe way. It empowers patients to take an active role in their cancer journey, enhances their quality of life, and supports better decision-making – all of which are essential components of comprehensive cancer care. Consumer engagement forms a core part of the Australian Cancer Plan and the Victorian Cancer Plan.

Patient-centred care, survivorship, peer support and consumer participation are core to LMICS’ engagement with service providers, policy makers and researchers. We strive to ensure that services place patients and their families at the centre of the patient journey at all stages of the optimal care pathway. The LMICS Governance Group includes 2 consumer representatives.

If you have been affected by cancer, as a patient, carer or family member, you can share your experiences and ideas to help improve cancer care.

“Any life-threatening condition carries with it deeply personal challenges for the person involved, family, friends, etc. By bringing these personal perspectives to bear, consumer engagement can play a vital part in both humanising and improving the services delivered by the health system.”

— Mike, consumer representative

How can I be involved?

There are different ways you can choose to be involved. Some examples include:

  • receive newsletters about cancer care, events and opportunities
  • attend an educational event
  • participate in a survey
  • reflect on and share your cancer experience
  • review and provide feedback on written patient information
  • participate in a focus group

  • join a project or governance committee with other consumers and health professionals.

Current opportunities

Our consumer opportunities change regularly. If you would like to know more please contact us.

Become a consumer representative - contact LMICS