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Each of the 9 Integrated Cancer Services (ICS) that make up the VICS network is a partnership of healthcare providers.

The members of each ICS are united by a shared goal to improve cancer services in their area. Each public Victorian health service that treats cancer patients is a member of their local ICS. We also maintain partnerships with many private health services and hospitals, community health organisations, primary health partnerships, and other health providers across Victoria. In total, 122 organisations across Victoria are VICS members.

ICS Program Managers/Directors

Each ICS has a Program Manager or Director, who is responsible for overseeing the implementation of cancer service improvements in their area. These managers also lead and coordinate statewide work through the VICS Implementation Plan.

ICS Clinical Directors

Each ICS also has one or more Clinical Directors – senior clinicians working in the ICS’ area, who provide expert clinical advice to the ICS and facilitate engagement in their work by other clinicians. See each ICS’ team page for details of their Clinical Director(s).

ICS Governance Committees

The principles, objectives, outcomes, and governance arrangements for each ICS are defined in a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with its partner organisations. Representatives from those organisations make up a governance committee that directs, authorises, and oversees the ICS’ local activities.

See each ICS’ member services page (links to the right) for which organisations are members of that partnership.

VICS Network Group

The collective, statewide efforts of the VICS network are directed by a group comprising Program Managers/Directors and Clinical Directors from all 9 ICS, plus representatives from the Victorian Department of Health.

Members of each ICS partnership